Welcome to Joega Body Weight

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Get in Shape

How busy Moms and Dads can find time for exercise and get in shape!

and all busy women

Do you feel like you have no time to exercise, and it is simply out of your control? Even if you have an opportunity to exercise you are just too tired?
Yes, it all adds up:

A Powerful combination of proven bodyweight and yoga-like exercises.

"The Way of Joega"


100% no questions asked money back guarantee!

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Fast Track to the 5 Tibetan Rites 2,500 year old exercises that make you feel younger

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Fast Track to the Tibetan Rites 2,500 year old exercises that make you feel younger


and all busy men

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Get Strong
Feel Better

Dads can have a hard time fitting in healthy exercise as well. As a working husband and father I have some personal experience with this.

When I was too busy I just didn’t exercise. I ended up feeling sluggish, getting weak and easily out of breath. If I moved just wrong I would get excruciating LBP (lower back pain). I didn’t feel up for handling daily tasks.

I knew that over time I would lose more muscle mass and gain weight. My bones would get weaker. My blood pressure and other markers of health would steadily decline. I needed to find a system of exercise for health that I could fit into my busy schedule. I couldn’t find a method that worked for me so I put a program together.

I started with the Tibetan Rites: floor bodyweight exercises that solidify the abs and back (the core) and work and stretch the hip-flexors – these exercises are like a combo of simple yoga and calisthenics.

Then I added proven bodyweight exercises to work the rest of the body: arms, legs, back, chest for a full-body workout. I could finish the daily program in about 10 minutes (longer if I wanted to rest between sets).

The results were great! I could feel in my movements the muscular balance across my body and the Useful Strength and mobility – I became stronger than average and had the power and mobility to deal with anything that came up. I got an energy buzz from the simple yoga-like movements. I could see that my waist was slimmed down from the special abdominal exercises in this program (getting rid of the fat was another matter, more having to do with diet) – no balloon-belly either!

Get started on your new health journey with this free gift: instructions for doing the 5 floor exercises called the Tibetan Rites.

My book The Way of Joega has the complete bodyweight program – the Tibetan Rites are the foundation, so it is the perfect place to start. Get your free gift and purchase The Way of Joega for the full program!

A Powerful combination of proven bodyweight
and yoga-like exercises

"The Way of Joega"


100% no questions asked money back guarantee!

Discover Joega


How busy Moms and Dads can find time for exercise and get in shape!


do you feel like you have no time to exercise, and it is simply out of your control? Even if you have an opportunity to exercise you are just too tired? Yes, it all adds up:

A Powerful combination of yoga and proven bodyweight exercises


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